Decklist export totals are misleading
Can you please fix the exported decklist total count per section (Pokemon, Trainer, Energy)? For some odd reason, you chose to summarize the count of different cards, instead of the total cards per section. This makes is extremely frustrating as a judge doing deck checks when players bring their list exported from PTCGL.…
Greninja lose 20 damage bug
Greninja ex does 120 damage but it only does 100 the attack fisrt discards the energy and then does the damage calculation this attack was ok in the past version pls give my favorite pokemon his attack 120 damage cant bealive you team cant read the cards why? why?
Munkidori Retreat Bug
Every time Munkidori has 2 energies (1 dark and 1 psychic) it doesn’t let me select one. Both look like they can be selected but once I try to drag one of them up it shakes as if it can’t. This definitely messes up my game since the timer automatically selects the first energy which always results in Dark. Please fix this…
Missing cads after redeeming codes
Hi all, I redeemed around 40 codes yesterday. In all the cards I got, I was happy about receiving 2 golden Charizard EX (think it was OBF 228). Now that I wanted to exchange two "normal" Charizard Ex in my deck with those, I absolutely can't find them anymore. In general, I can't find any golden Pokemon anymore. AM sure…
Palafin EX & Lumineon V
I was playing a Palafin EX deck and the bugs first started on turn 3 when I played Lumineon V from hand to the bench, which for some reason the UI had two boxes to select supporters (should be one) but the game wouldn't let me choose even one supporter. I was forced to skip the selection, where then I was able to play a…
Freeze when using Cycling Road with no cards on deck
Both on mobile and laptop.
Munkidori ex prize card bug
I had a muknkidori ex SFA 037/064 in the active zone and pecharunt ex SFA 093/064 on the bench. muknkidori ex was knocked out by my opponent's gardevoir ex SVI 086/198 using miracle force and took 2 prize cards even though pecharunt was on the bench.
Game freezes after Benching Ditto (Pokemon Go)
After benching Ditto from Pokemon Go, no other game actions can be preformed, and the timer will run out after and you are forced to pass to your opponent.
Account not logging in properly
My account is ShortingTrends but when I login it changes the name to ShortingTrend and doesn't have my battle pass. All my info seems to be lost and I cannot seem to recover it. Please help
Unable to use abilities after KO from Devolution
Was playing a game just now where my opponent attached TM Devolution and used the Devolution attack. One of my Pokemon devolved from this attack was a Gholdengo ex with 70 damage already on it, resulting in the Gimmighoul being Knocked Out when Devolution resolved. Going into my turn, I place down a Fezandipiti ex, but am…