Reporting Glitch and Exploit: Cobalion-GX's GX Attack doesn't register as a GX Attack
Dude used his GX attack every single turn and the game just let him. There was nothing played that would allow him to do this, the game just simply didn't register him using his GX attack and let him use it over and over again. And he was obviously trying to exploit it, as his deck was built around it... here's the log.…
Buddy-Buddy Poffin
Just experienced a bug with BB Poffin card. Used it and tried to summon Comfey, it showed it was available along with Manaphy. I could not drag the Comfey card to the selection spot. It would not register I was clicking on the card. I was able to drag Manaphy. I then tried inspecting the board, selecting and deselecting…
DTE bug on Iron Thorns ex
I was playing against an Iron Thorns ex deck and noticed when the opponent had DTE attached every turn it hit for the full 140 instead of 20 less. There were no stadiums in play or other pokemon with abilities on their bench to counter the DTE damage condition.
Teal Mask Ogerpon EX Dmg dbling and Weakness not being applied
Teal Mask Ogerpon Dmg is being dbl'd against me although im not weak to him and it seems his effect is taking dmg addition from me, benched, AND his pokemon instead of the BOTH ACTIVE pokemon. For example: i was playing dark charizard EX against TM ogerpon EX i expect his dmg to be 180 but instead it was 360? This is when…
Scream Tail (PAR 86) Roaring Scream failed to apply damage
I was playing a game earlier, and I was gonna use Scream Tail's Roaring Scream to knock out an opponent's Benched Teal Mask Ogerpon ex. My Scream Tail had 130 damage on it (thanks to Bravery Charm) and I was gonna hit the Ogerpon ex for 260. Instead of knocking it out, the damage just went away and the Ogerpon stayed on…
PTCG Live Error Code 19006 on MAC
Every time I try to install PTCG on my MAC takes me to the choose language section, however never starts de download and takes me back to the choose language section over and over until gets 19006 was an issue loading
Match begins but intro splash screen doesn’t clear
Randomly occcurs, seen it twice in about 20 matches. Intro splash screen appears with both characters, appears to clear but reappears blocking view of the game. Can still select cards in hand but no idea what’s happening. Can provide video if needs be. On iPhone 14 Pro
Are you disconnecting from games lately?
I've recently been getting frustrated by the amount of time I'm playing a good game and it disconnects on me. Especially when I'm playing ladder rank and I just have to log back in to -10 points. I haven't had this many disconnections with the game in the past.
Arc Phone Is Bugged Beyond
When using Arc Phone on any platform. 1. Does not reveal the top card of your library. 2. When you select a card from your prize pool adds Arc Phone to prize pool instead of discard. 3. Completely Bricks the game. 4. If not fixed people will probably crash the servers or use it as an exploit. 5. Plz Fix ASAP.
Vstar Powers being used more than once
Second time running into an issue where an opponent is able to use vstar powers multiple times a game. The first time was against Dialga Vstar and it just happened again against Giratina Vstar. I will paste the battle log below from the Giratina game and have attached pictures from when it happened during the dialga game.…