Bug while crafting. The game Eaten credits.
I saw a bug when I tried to craft a Genesect V. I had 3 of them and I crafted the 4th but the game said the the craft cannot be done. So I tried again. I log off from the game and login again then I saw that my 4th copy was there but what about the 5th copy the game eaten me 750 credits and dont gave me the 5th copy of…
Ability & Retreating bugs still very common
I'm hoping that there's currently a patch being worked on that fixes the issues with abilities randomly being turned off, like it does with attacking/retreating. It seems any time I try to play more than an hour the games then become extremely buggy, I've had cherrim not work for no reason, not able to retreat actives for…
Cram-O-Matic discard happens instantly if there is only 1 other Item card in hand
This is a good feature with cards like Quick Ball and Ultra Ball, but not so much with Cram-O-Matic. Because of this behaviour, your opponent can know that you have more than 1 Item card in your hand if you take more than a moment to choose which card you want to discard.
Elesa's Sparkle can be played even if all 4 Fusion Strike Energy are in play / in the discard pile
Relevant ruling explaining why this shouldn't be possible: https://compendium.pokegym.net/ruling/967/
My rank value and rank placement are quite different
I have a rank value of 610, but it shows me as being in between Riolu and Pichu rank (100-150). As a result, I cannot claim the great ball rewards while being above the rank value to be in Greninja rank.
Sableye torment attack is not working
sableye torment attack doesn’t work
[Bug] Not able to view catchphrases menu
Whenever I go to customize my character, I cannot view the available list of catchphrases. On the top left corner, there appears to be an empty text box.
Battle screen not optimized for PC screen
Hello! Congratulations for the BETA launching! While playing, I noticed that the battle screen on PC is subpar right now. It is difficult to see the cards in play as they are way too small. The active cards are very small for a PC monitor compared to PTCGO. Moreover, it is impossible to see the complete cards on the bench,…
Endless loop when matchmaking, if using customized decks
I've seen multiple reports across social media of this, thought I'd post a report here so devs are aware. This seems to be kind of inconsistent, from looking at streamed gameplay some (probably most) players aren't affected. But for some, both in Casual and Ranked modes the matchmaking screen appears to loop endlessly,…
"Forums" button in the main menu leads to the wrong website
Checked around and didn't see anyone reporting this, as far as I can tell. When opening the main menu, and pressing the offered "FORUMS" button, one would expect to be redirected into this forum, community.pokemon.com... Yet, it send to forums.pokemon.com instead, which is a completely different area and without any boards…