Character cusomization keeps reverting
I have changed the design of my glasses, but it keeps going back. As long as I close the game from Windows menu/taskbar and not through the client menu, the changes will revert. I tried closing the game with the client menu and opening it up. The changes were preserved but then lost again aftewards.
Unable to open the Battle Pass after completing a game
After completing a match I am unable to open the battle pass from either the home screen or from the tab in the navigation. I receive an error saying box with this message: "This feature is not available now. Please try again later." In order to open the battle pass I have to close the client and reopen it. I have been…
Bug report - Damage counters automatically placed
When choosing where to place my damage counters the game automatically applied all to the opponent's active Pokémon. No timer was displayed and I hadn't spent much time before the counters were applied so I don't think it was a time out issue.
Error shop purchase
I tried to buy some packs and got the error, ATTEMPTING TO FULFILL PURCHASE REQUEST FAILED i then tried a few more time and reset the game, when reopening the game it had spent all my crystals on packs, can we please report this & can I get my crystals back please?
Game seems to stall when wifi changes during battle
So i was in a battle when i went upstairs and my phone switched to a different wifi network. The battle just stalled from then on. I thought my opponent was stalling so i waited until his timer ran out but with the tim at 00:00 the game still didn't end. So i guess the switching of the wifi network broke the battle without…
Attack randomly prevented.
Attacks seem to break at times and not allow you to use the button. Have experienced with multiple cards and have gone through the discard pile to look for any possible effects to prevent and there doesn't appear to be a reason for this to not work. (There are also several occasions where an ability CAN be activated but…
Mulligan Bug That Shows Final Hand
When both of us mulligan, then I mulligan again but my opponent gets a legal hand, I'm shown my opponent's hand. I'm not sure if I should see their mulligan hand, but both times this happened to me I saw an Arceus V the first time, and a Comfey the second, both basic Pokémon that my opponent then played as their Active…
Gale thrust condition not working on Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX
The game is not recognizing the condition of the move "Gale thrust" "If this pokemon moved from your bench to your active spot this turn, this attack does 120 more damage" and just plays the move as if it was not moved from the bench each time regardless.
Issue for first time user
When I made the switch from TCG online to live it automatically goes to the friend request screen, and the professor tells me to customize my icon. After the speech bubble disappears the screen darkens and nothing can be selected and I cannot go to the main screen. This continues to happen with every log in attempt and…
Stone Fighting Energy DMG Reduction doesn´t work
I had a Full 220HP Urshifu V on the Board. My Opponent hat Zacian V with 3 Energy Cards attached. My Urshifu V hat 2 Fighting Energy and 1 Stone Fighting Energy attached. The Zacian attacked and did 230 DMG instead of the supposed 210 (dmg reduction from the card) Anyone knows why that happened?