I have code error 10097 To enter.
Does anyone know what it is and how to fix it?
Bug: Cannot drag certain cards into choice window
This bug occurs occasionally, with any card that involves searching an area of the game to pick out cards. Be it Quick Ball, Ultra Ball, or Comfey. I have yet to see it in ordinary rod (and cards like it). I have attached a video as a response in the following reply. Seeing how you would want to vet attachments and images…
Mew VMAX can still attack after they use Techo Blast.
Proper effect- techo blast reads the pokemon cannot attack the turn after they use this attack. Current effect- No debuff is applied and you can attack on consecutive turns with the same Pokémon (mew vmax) without switching.
Hi the game on both platform keeps telling me that there is a maintenance and keep telling me after the hour passed after the maintenance. Is it an error only for me or the game still is in maintenance?
Bug - client freezes right before starting a match
Playing on PC with Windows 10. Upon queueing up a ranked match, the matchmaking seems to work as normal, but the match never starts. The client loses focus for 1-2 seconds before it pops back up, but is unresponsive. I tried several times, restarting the client and/or the PC, but the result was the same every time.
Avatar customization changes after matches
Sometimes after a match my avatar's glasses are reset to having black lenses and turquoise frames.
My turn keeps ending as soon as it starts
The majority of the games I play, as soon as its my turn it will end and become the opponents turn without letting me do anything. I'm a competitive player, but I've been unable to win almost any games because it won't let me actually play. Does anyone know how to fix this? This glitch makes it impossible to play.
Poison sound effects aren't managed via in game noise settings
Husian Qwilfish poisoned me and my sounds and music are at 0 but it came through as if they didn't matter.
Pokemon Go Extension : cards not charging
The cards of GO extension don't display their art. They display the back of pokemon card with their name in white
Matchmaking… Again…
Can someone turn it off and back on again? The haven’t-had-maintenance-so-matchmaking-is-broken bug is back.