Effect of stadiums discarded Tempest Dive not leaving until another stadium is played
So far I've seen this happen with Collapsed Stadium and Path to the Peak. For example, I cleared Collapsed Stadium and for the next two turns the bench was still 4 cards until Path was played. At which point benches went back to 5. But when Path was then discarded and Luminion was played next turn I wasn't able to use the…
Cannot choose card when crafting
I just migrated my account. I go to edit my deck, I choose ultra ball, it has only 5 versions to choose from. It will not scroll over to my gold copies. The same is true for Boss's Orders. Many versions of that card but they can't be accessed. It's true for every card that has more than 5 art versions. This is an easily…
Pokemon TCG Live will not open
Following the update of TCG Live with Silver Tempest, I can now no longer play this game on my MacBook.
Anyone else getting this error. Silver Tempest Raichu
[Edited by Mod_Skrilla: Do not post URLs, text, or images from non-official Pokémon sites..]
ACE SPEC Feedbacks
I want to give 2 feedbacks about the ace spec cards remembering that I know the cards cant be used yet 1 visual situation the ace spec cards are in the pokemon tab instead trainers tab [Edited by Mod_Pandaroo : Thanks for preventing from posting any URLs, text, or images from non-official Pokémon sites] 2 I migrated my…
Being unable to play if you click done without setting a Pokemon active
The game allows you to click done at the start of the game without setting a basic Pokemon active, but then you are unable to start and you cannot set a Pokemon active or do anything! Why is there this option, when it instantly bugs out the game and makes you have to concede?
Mawile move Tempting trap
the Effect When you Will cause +90 damage it's not working
Timer bug
Got matched against a Decidueye and since I had no tech to specifically deal with it, I decided to try and win by deckout or timeout (by playing Zacian V and Crystal Cave it wasn't particularly difficult). My opponent stalled till the very end, playing Marnie twice when he was about to deckout, even after knowing he…
Mew VMax deck can't search cards with Items
I noticed that the whole Fusion Strike Mew VMax deck has an issue with Items cards when I use them. With Cramomatic, the game consider each card as invalid when the game flip heads and it remains in a state where I can't quick the search menu. This glitch also happens when I use Battle VIP Pass. For Pokemon search items…
Forest Seal Stone - infinite uses
As stated above, the card is bugged and needs one of those insta-ban quick turn actions. The game is unplayable at the moment