App freezes
The app freezes when I switch to a different app and come back to PTCG Live. I have to hard force quit PTCG Live and restart which is quite annoying. Please increase the timeout length while out of the app
Bronzor Metal Press bug
When I clicked Metal Press, the card went to the side, but no coin flipped. Because there was no coin flip, I times out and couldn’t finish my turn. The card stayed to the side for my opponents turn and the beginning of my turn. On my next turn I was able to play bird catcher which fixed the card glitch.
Keldeo (SIT) Four as One attack bug, Cobalion (SIT) Follow-Up attack bug
Keldeo (SIT) Four as One attack does not do the extra +170 damage when Cobalion, Virizion & Terrakion are one the bench. Cobalion’s (SIT) Follow-Up attack won’t let you attach energy to benched Pokémon, even if you have the required basic energy in your deck. Please fix this.
V guard energy working through temple of sinnoh
Almost lost me a game because V guard was still working though I had temple of sinnoh out, not sure if anyone else has had this issue, but with lugia being so big it seems like kinda a big bug.
What even is this countdown timer?!?!
I'm getting 5 maybe ten seconds after I draw my card to make a move or lose my turn?! That's not even a competitive viable timeframe!! What is going on with this "rush to take your turn!!" timer?! I cant take a minute to think before executing my moves? Just gotta wing it with what cards are in my hand and pray I don't…
hi, about 13 days ago i came back to pokemon world, i downloaded tcg live and i transferred my old collection (xy-oras) from old pokemon card game to tcg live. the migration was unsuccessful and I immediately opened a ticket. ticket that has been stuck for 10 days with template replies from an embarrassing moderator. not…
Positive Feedback
I recently migrated my PTCGO account over to PCTG Live. Here are some of my thoughts, hopefully this feedback is useful. Collection - I would like an option to view my collection without having to enter the deck builder. Deck Import - When you import a deck, I would like to see an option to to replace the cards you don't…
Missing a lot of cards from online acc to live acc (transfer error?)
I migrated my account, everything seemed ok, I didn't get any error pop ups. Since I assumed all was good, I started importing my old decks. ALL decks miss ALL my card. Saying i dont own them. But I do. So something went wrong. I am now missing a lot of cards and can't use any of my old decks. PLEASE help me.
Improvement - Sound effect that warns you that it is your turn
Sometimes, during my opponent's turn, I often browse the internet until my turn comes again, especially when my opponent takes ages to finish the turn. The problem I've noticed with Pokemon TCG Live is that I don't know when it's my turn if I have the game playing in the background, as the sound effect is very subtle, so I…
Opponents cards not displaying when revealed
I just quit a game in Live because all I was able to see was the back of my opponents cards. The only time I could read anything was if I clicked on the card. Text would appear on the Active, but the back of the card still was displayed. I was not able to see any of the cards my opponents played, nor drew. Also, we both…