Special energys Bugs out of control

ok i was going to call this a Lucky Energy Bug but it has different effects pending the type of energys in play, So here's my accounts of the Bugs: SO No $%^& there I Was playing My La Blissey'a Deck. (which is a common lugia blissey V deck i just think that name sounded funny, So i named it that) So my friend and I were playin our decks and i had my blissey V out with 3 lucky energys and to powerful energys on it and my friend had his blissey v out with 2 powerful and is was his turn so he attack my blissey and so you would think only draw three and take some damage you would think right. . . BUT NO I my takes twice the Damage its suppose to and i Draw Half MY Deck. . . So with this all this going on So how do you think this battle ends ??? . . . . You'd be wrong my freind decks out just before becuase his one lucky made him draw 4 - 8 cards per being attacked o.0 . . . . . .
But Wait There's More... so i was play in Casual with my La Blissey'a Deck (giggle...) aginist some weird glarian rapidash deck and So NO $%^& I had my blissey v out with 1 lucky energy and 4 powerful and like 3 or 4 more other colorless special energy and my blissey had 190 damage on it and they had there galarian rapidash v out with one horror energy and 2 basic energy and it my turn to attack and so i do expectin get only like 20 for the one horror energy nope i Took 80 damage and lost my blissey V and soon after the match becuase they one shot my next 2mons and i would have won.
So If you take this as just a story please dont this is a serious bug with special energys i personally think its something multpling the extra effect base on additional effect marker for the code please hope have it fixed soon
thank you for your Time