What are the new timer rules?

Most of my games have been due to players afk'ing during the first few minutes in the game, resulting in an instant win for me. Didn't seem too odd, other than I really wanted to play the game and couldn't land into a regular match
But then I did land into a proper match, and spent a few minutes fighting back and forth with the opponent. By round 4 or so, the opponent either went AFK, or some bug occurred that disconnected us.
It's now been the opponent's turn for about 15 minutes, and I've still got 6 more to wait until I get a win.
So... what are the new timer rules? If you're past turn [x], then you can take as much time as you want during your turn? I would have expected that if the opponent had been afk for 1-5 minutes, that'd result in a timeout, but that doesn't seem to be the case