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Game froze playing Mew VMAX

Looking at the forums this seems to be a known issue, playing first game online with Mew deck and the game froze whilst activating Genesect V's ability. This was the second activation of the ability this turn. There is a Forest Seal Stone attached to a different Genesect than the one using it's ability. There is no energy attached to any cards on my side of the board.

The game has been frozen like this for about 10 minutes now. I can click on cards in play, the discard etc. but the ability won't activate and the game can't progress.

I've attached an image to show what this looks like.


  • s0moist
    s0moist Member Posts: 7
    First Comment Photogenic

    It seems mew is breaking for those playing it and those facing it

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    @s0moist I think the ones for people facing it are actually just abusing it for free wins...

  • s0moist
    s0moist Member Posts: 7
    First Comment Photogenic

    I think it counts as a win , when it froze and I wasn’t piloting mew It still said I lost so idk

  • s0moist
    s0moist Member Posts: 7
    First Comment Photogenic

    I’m more upset when I found I couldn’t boss’s orders my opponents Pokémon that had the same name as their active