4 out of 5 game drops why?

Hi there, just attempting to report that while playing in ranked Im currently experiencing between 80%-90% glitch out games.
These include; failed to join, timed out from inactivity, frozen after card was played, frozen when attaching energy, and frozen on prize select.
I realize that you cant reduce the point loss for it because that would be exploited, so instead can you simply pause the ranked ladder points until these issues have been resolved?
Alternatively, insert a button in our settings menu to allow us to report a frozen game fill out whatever information you need like what was last played or whatever and then upon review re-award the points lost...
We can wish haha. They've been dead silent about mew VMAX glitch for more than a week now. I'm sure they all went for a Christmas vacation and left the game like this, and we won't see a fix until a new year celebrations are over