@TPCi_CursedSoup This is the card causing the most issues. If you can't figure out how to fix it yet, just ban the card so that most people can play to some capacity. It'll upset people who love the deck, but if this is gonna be broken for over a week you can at least do this much.
Quitting mid game cause the game to freeze where your only option is to concede or restart the app?
I’ve played against this opponent twice in a row now where mid game , it will go to their turn and nothing happens. Their timer keeps going down but nothing happens game wise and it doesn’t concede to me. Is this because they close out the app during the game? It ends up giving me a game loss each time because I can’t do…
The game is unplayable now....please fix soon!
The new glitch with Mew Vmax freezing the game and then you have to concede and you just auto lose is frustrating, especially since so many people are playing Mew Vmax! Last 3 matches were Mew Vmax and this happened. I no longer want to play PTCGL as I'm just not playing and just losing points. PLEASE FIX SOON!!
Milktank took damage from Zoroark VSTAR
Just lost a game against Zoroark VSTAR as both of my Milktank were one hit by it, there was nothing on the opponents board which should have allowed this damage to go through (opponent had a 2 Gengars, 1 Crowbat V, 1 Diancie, and a Oranguru on bench with a path to the peaks out)
“Sing111186” deliberately playing mew fusion to break game.
This player should be penalised. They’ve climbed the ladder by exploiting a bug. Please block them for a month or something. Strip their points or something. There’s not a single honest win in there. Lame. this is costing your game and your players. I hope you can fix it soon
12 seconds for every action
The timer shows up right away for me whenever it is my turn. Even when the animations are still going from the end of my opponents turn. The timer pops up with 12 seconds remaining whenever they end their turn. I very frequently have less than 3 seconds to make an action by the time I'm actually able to do anything, and…
Thank you PTCGL Dev team <3
Compensation promised for bugs
Hello Devs. There was some kind of compensation promised for the crazy bugs we were all dealing with. I expected something to be applied or packs appearing already when we logged in. What's going to be the compensation? Thanks!
Arceus Timeout exploit.
IT would appear the timeout exploit can also be used with Arceus v. Player Goldlotus has been trying to time me out and force me to concede for the past few hours, Hi Trainer, Thank you for sharing your feedback. I edited your post as posting images on the forum is not allowed. If you ever have images you'd like to share…
mew fusion strike playing for me no problem
hi, I've been playing mew fusion strike with no problems, and not experienced much freezing during games. it has frozen on the entrance to games on occasion but seems to do this no matter what deck i play, just says waiting for opponent to connect. is there a way people are abusing the clock with mew and can get it to…