My account is my friends account...??
I just got this app, and so did my friend. I was running into Error 10010 on my phone so I asked him to sign into his account from my phone. It worked, no error, so he logged out and I signed into my account, which then was just HIS account with MY screen name on it?? Now neither of us can be on at the same time, or we…
Pass page bug report
I want to report an annoying issue affecting the season pass page. Every time I finish a game I have to restart the game to access the season pass. Game on PC.
Team Yell Grunt Bug
Noticed a bug with Tell Yell Grunt (Sword & Shield 184). When the card is played I am unable to remove energy from the opponents Pokémon.
Issue with Virizion V
During a match I had paralyzed my opponents active Reshiram V with Zekroms wild shock attack. The issue is that Virizions ability is for only pokemon with grass energy attached and the reshiram had 2 fire and a steel energy but still recovered due to the ability. Not a very popular card but still an issue I wanted people…
Issue with Promo Flapple
Started making a regidrago build with the prizes from the battle pass, but there was a big bug I noticed with one of the flapples I got! After escape-roping my applin out of combat and onto the bench, I evolved it into the Promo Flapple (the one with Flight Up as its first move). After doing so, I was unable to interact…
Proffesors Research Bricks The Game
Was recently in a game and had no cards left in my deck and couldn't do anything to win during the turn so i decided to for a laugh just use a proffesors research on my 0 card deck and discard my entire hand. What actually happened was i activated research and the game had no idea what to do with it leaving it just sat…
Twin Energy only providing single colorless energy
I’ve attached twin energy to mawile vstar and it only provides a single colorless energy. This has happened multiple times with no other cards in play to cause this effect.
Switch Cart not functioning
I have had multiple occasions now where I have Switch Cart (ASR 154) in hand and the game will not let me play it to move my active pokemon. If I switch my active pokemon through other means the Switch Cart will now become playable even though at the start of my turn it wasn't and nothing has happened to change item cards…
These bugs are so annoying
Look at all the bugs I had in the last 7 days
Idea for PTCGL solo mode
Currently there is no solo contents in PTCGL and no roadmap is announced. Most of the TCG games on the market have solo mode, often in the form of theme deck battle. I think having a solo content is very beneficial for the Pokemon TCG community as it allows new players to discover the game without the pressure of fighting…