Setup Glitch
Will not allow player to select additional or first basic pokemon if you select "done" first, it will time out and auto select for you. Very annoying
Time out glitch
Just played my first match of the day, opponent was close to winning when they suddenly stopped play. Their timer was at 24 minutes when this happened and timed out completely. Game didn’t count it as a victory for me and eventually reloaded back to the Home Screen. Didn’t count it as a win or a loss for me and still…
Bug using ZoroBox
I'm playing a ZoroBox deck with Kirlia, and I've had a lot of desyncs with multiple players (not only Mew VMax that we all know about) At some point, the game freezes, and randomly, the time starts ticking for me, and I'm not even in my turn. Attached you'll see a screenshot of a video proof of a match against a Arceus…
Basic Scizor V Hack off glitch
Will not allow player to select item or special energy sometimes, will glitch out
Bug in combo Rowlet+Birdkeep+Pal pad
I played Birdkeeper on my benched Rowlet, then I used Pal Pad to shuffle Birdkeeper from the discard pile to my deck. Then, I try to attack but the platform did not recognize the Birdkeeper´s effect. I was not able to attack that turn :(
Gold cards, Raibows, unlimited decks
Personal frustrations of having the entire database wiped clean on the desktop version. Will I have access to my numerous folders and rainbow cards that did not make the transition? Literally 100’s of hours reading up and winning tournaments and games to acquire full gold and rainbow decks to just be wiped clean is…
Opponent uses ability and game loses connection but doesn't?
Twice now I've had games where the game timer will go all the down to 0:00 but will not actually end. It's always on my Opponents turn when this happens. It's like we've disconnected but the game doesn't actually register this. Not to mention if I concede or just close my app and re-open it I lose rank because the game…
iPad force close
Force closes while making decks, loading into matches, and after matches complete . Wouldn’t suggest playing on iPad at this time
Mew Vmax Stall
Played on the ladder, Elsa sparkle was not played nor meloetta. The only thing played was fusion strike energy, I was about to win and the opponent wasted 21 mins of my time. I decided to let the clock run another hour and twenty minutes to see if anything would happen and I occurred a game lost for exiting out.
Air Ballon
Not sure if air ballon bug was ever fixed, but just had 2 matches in a row that it didn’t work.