Searching on any card don't work for deck on Windows 11 (Desktop)

Hi all, I encountered issue that literally don't let me play at all new Pokemon TCG Live.
Maybe someone encoutnered similar situation and have answer how to fix it or it can be reported for developers somehow?
I noticed that searching option is not working at all (checked with multiple cards) when I'm playing Pokemon TCG Live on Windows 11 (desktop version). I checked also on Android and iOS app for phone/tablet and there the issue is not occuring.
So whenever I start game I see avatar of opponent being blank and when games start everything works until I use one of searching options (for example during playing Mew New Path decks). You can see no cards are visible and thus my deck is valid "no valid cards" text is being shown and after selecting "Done" nothing is happening (game literally is blocked).
I'm attaching screenshots how it looks for me. Can anybody help? I really would appreciate possibility to play it on my PC.
I tried fresh reinstalation, removing AppData and audit logs, clearing cache and all suggested on FAQ articles stuff. Don't have idea what else I can do?