LIVE suggestions -- AFK penalties & emoticon spam
This is not new, but to deal with seriously immature players: Can the development team please (a) implement AFK (away from keyboard) penalties, whether ladder deduction, no XP points, or such, and (b) either eliminate emoticons and at the very least limit the number that can be done within a certain period of time. (a) Too…
Mobile overheating and battery drain
I've noticed over the past few updates that my mobile phone (typically Samsung Galaxy S22, though sometimes others as well) is really heating up after just 1-2 games. The battery, which typically lasts almost a day with video via Netflix, drops 15-25% per game. If I play 4-5 in a row I risk freezing due to overheating.…
Count games w/friends towards Battle Pass and Daily Quests
I get on here more to play with people I know, many of whom live in different states and countries. Why do I have to play a stranger to get points towards the Battle Pass or meet the daily Quests? I'm often helping someone test out ideas, or testing one myself, and games with strangers so often result in concessions or…
Please help error 19011
Can't login error 19011
I Can't Pass The Login Screen
How do I get Pokémon TCG LIVE to allow me to play the game after I correctly input my username and password? I want to play Pokémon TCG LIVE on my phone but, when I try to sign in: the app won't let me go past the login screen. The app sends me back to the login screen instead of letting me play the game after I input my…
Do redeemed codes automatically get collected when you exit the app?
I claimed some codes on the mobile app, didn't collect the packs and switched to the desktop app to collect the packs and see what i got. I dont know where to find the un opened packs or whether they are automatically collected when I close either app. I want to do this because I can redeem on mobile using phones camera…
Login Session Expired Error
I've been trying to log into my PTCGL account and every time I do, I get a message saying "Your log-in session expired. Please return to the app and attempt to log in again." Tried changing my password, uninstalling the app and had no success but I'm able to log into my Trainer's Club account everywhere else.
There is definitely something wrong with the shuffling and drawing mechanic...
So in my Galarian Moltres V deck I have a Primordial Altar. I've had it happen multiple times where I've used Primordial Altar to check to see what's on top of the deck before using a Marnie or Professor's Research but when I draw a new hand the card that I did not discard isn't there. The latest example was an energy: I…
Visual Problems
I'm not able to see damage counters. Moving cards to lost zone take 10 - 20 secs, sometimes cards don't move to the discard pile. Any ideas on what may be causing this? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game in case there was a file corruption but nothing has changed. Problem is exclusive to PC, game works fine on my…
Can’t select cards and game gets stuck.
I’m positive this has to have been reported before. I’m on an iPhone and it keeps getting stuck where I’ll play nest ball or something and my options/my deck isn’t visible on the screen. It shows that it is off screen. So anything that is still an issue.