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General Feedback, Been playing for a month.

I kinda like the new game but so many things don't work yet and needs a lot of thought, i play in my phone, so most of my design/optimization opinions are based on that instead on the pc version. I apologize for the wall-text-

- White UI is fine but needs a design make over. Play button should use less space, prizes for league rank should be on the first screen, play button should let you pick a deck instead of it beign fixed, avatars are bad bad.

Informal battle screen should be splited between standard and expanded and we should be able to select a game just by clicking on a side, center coins are hard to pick. Again, decks should not be fixed.

- The points work on league ranks seems fine, information screen is cute, prizes info should be in main menu and leveling up prizes should not be aesthetics.

- Everything avatar is awful. Why don't you just use the anime/concept art/3DS styled avatars we all want?

- Currency work is fine but needs a lot to be perfect. Premium pass prizes should not be aesthetics. I should be able to buy cards i don't own with credits. Crystals are fine imo. Coins too. I kinda like the facts that there is no market here but i also understand all players that don't want to migrate because getting some cards/completing sets seems imposible. I should not have a limit on the amount of real codes i can use, this only makes stronger the need of buying cards i don't own with credits.

"Daily quests" doesn't update daily and sometimes this makes the whole game slow/crash.

- Store is awful, first option on selection screen should be "Expansions" instead of "Recomended". Green titles are horrible. "See all" screen is fine imo. Why give me a screen where i can see all cards if i cannot get them? Again, buying cards i don't own with credits is a must. Also I should be able to exchange cards for credits at will and not only when i have all 4.

- Deck screen is fine imo. Clicking on a deck for see it data is fine. Activate button should dissapear with the dissapearing of fixed decks. Second button should be "See Deck" instead of "Edit", "Edit" should be on the 3 dotted menu. Favourites should show ONLY the favorited decks.

Deck personalization is fine but it shouldn't move from all three components to show single component when picking a design, center "Home" button needs to be replaced with a "Go Back" arrow; screen is innecesary hard to read.

Deck edition/creation should let us search cards in more than one language since most of us play in english AND our native language.

Special Art/Gallery cards should be stocked separated from the regular common/rev holo/ holo versions.

- Starting a duel is just too long, coin messages stay on screen too long and once you know how to play you don't need that guide. Motion and information should be given at the same time. "Do you want to start first?" question should be answered while rival is answering wich side of the coin they're chosing.

Emotes should be icons instead of avatars acting weird.

Time utilization needs to be optimized, moving counters/searching cards due to abilities activated on rival's turn before pokémon check need to be off clock.

Please optimize the animations, as a phone player i get discouraged when my rival isn't paying attention due to the long it takes to make a turn with all the animations lagging the game.

Cards get stucked on the air when selected sometimes.

- Rewards points, coins and credit prizes should be given: (Win + Picked up prizes) * Factor based on rival's league. I've been beating Greninja players while on Riolu. A somehow same formula should be used when taking out point for losing.

- Lots of connection weakness and troubles since the last update. I can't play through home/local net, i need to play on mobile network and it's awful, a waste and it still lose signal sometimes so it kicks me out.

We've been having a problem while dueling in where we can't pick an action and time doesn't give the turn to the rival, so the game get's stuck and needs to be restarted.

I feedbacked everything i could think of...


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Why would you want to pick your deck every single time you try matchmaking?