FEEDBACK: Overall Impression of Live vs Online...

OK, the first thing that I want to say is that in Pokémon TCG Online everything that they had in there, worked they had trading which worked, they had the coins that worked they had the tickets that worked for tournaments; the way to get your packs worked; there was no using your own money to buy in-game currencies which is still the same thing in Live. The difference in Live they got rid of trading and replaced it with credits which I think is fine, but trading was more personable and it was a slow process in getting the cards that you wanted which made it more fulfilling when you got those cards, but I understand that the credits make it easier when you want to build the deck faster and build more decks but I think that the main thing is that the overall aesthetic of the game does not fit to what it was in Online. The fighting is very lackluster and anti-climactic. The effects of powers and abilities from the cards are pretty much nonexistent compared to Online. Take what you already had in Online, like the battle effects, and make them more unique but still the same in Live. I'm already bored and not interested in playing Live as I was able to play Online for 10+ hours because it's engaging and it's the card effects that make it way more interesting rather than playing a normal tabletop card game. In a video game, I want to play something that's flashy and catches my attention