Why do cards freeze?

When I draw cards, sometimes they freeze on the screen. This happens from the middle of the match , to the start where I draw the first cards. Does anyone know why this happens?
(TechHog) explained a probable cause for it
As you all know, there are several issues in this game that keep popping up but never get fixed. The likely reason for this is that they aren't able to recreate the issues on their own setups and thus can't find the cause. Another thing though is that a lot of people such as myself never encounter these issues.
Here's the actual truth, most likely: All of the major gameplay bugs may be related to connection issues. I'm sure that some of you will protest and say that your connection is perfect, but I actually think the current streaming is so sensitive that even a half-second drop can cause issues. I ran an experiment where my connection dropped periodically during the game, and for the first time I experienced many of the common issues.
- Infinite timer desync (first time since the patch in January at least)
- Not being able to select certain cards
- Cards floating and getting stuck
- "No valid cards"
- Being unable to select certain cards when searching
- Battle Pass not available
It seems clear that the issue is that the game just can't handle any form of connection drop. A temporary solution would be to actually be to make it more sensitive and automatically DC the user as soon as any packets are dropped. Then you'll have to hire people who can design rollback netcode properly.