Gamebreaking Bug with Battle VIP Pass

On my first turn of the game going second, I played my first card of the game, a Battle VIP Pass from my hand, and it just sat there in the play area doing nothing. For an entire minute I sat there looking at it without being able to do a deck search or play any other cards, and then the game moved onto my opponent's turn with the VIP Pass just sitting there still. They were able to play cards both on their first turn and their second turn with no issues.
This bug literally breaks the game and makes it unplayable every time it happens. I don't understand how the official client of such a massively popular game system can be this shockingly bad!
This isn't the first time I've seen this bug either. The first time I saw it I didn't get a screenshot because I thought it was a desync or something, but this time I did - you can see in the first image the card just sitting there, the second it is still sitting there but seconds are still counting down on the timer, and the third my turn automatically ended after a minute of nothing. Absolutely insane that the game is in such a state...