Fix the wekness and forest seal stone
jakazzes fix the fact your forest seal stone doesn't work and while your at it have your weaknesses recalculated as they aren't working sometimes
Energy cant be drag out during retreat selection
Played on ios Was playing gardevoir with 6 psychic energy and 1 reversal energy. Neither energies can be drag out for the retreat
Temple of sinnoh bugging out
So I play temple and I can’t do anything else during the turn. Costed me ranked games, really tired of going down in rank cause of this stuff
Ting-lu cursed lands bug
Playing against a mew vmax deck. Genisect V both had 10 damage counters. Both of them had tools attached. Player bosses up other Ting-lu and magically the ability has been switched off and other player can draw cards. Stays like that until the end of the game. Either the bossing up switched it off or tye combination of…
not received online packs from codes
Hey all I am new to the game but have been collecting Pokemon cards for 3 months and I have been holding onto my code cards. However I have redeemed 150 cards and have received the online booster packs in the TCG online. But upon entering 60 codes ranging from Astral Radiance to Lost Origin Fusion Strike and Silver…
Gardevoir EX when your opponent concedes
I've been grinding the ladder with Gardevoir for the past month or so and this bug had been pretty annoying. Whenever your opponent concedes in the middle of psychic mirage the freezes. You still get the win, but you have to close the game and reload it just to keep playing. Kind of weird that they didn't fix it when…
Displaying "go first" choices before coin flipped
Occasionally, when a start a game, it instantly shows "Do you want to go first" before the coin is even flipped, and it was many times already. It only appears when opponent is flipping the coin though. The first time I was like: Oh wow, I'm definitely winning the coin flip! Second time I was: Wait what? Again? Third time…
Gift Energy only checking for a KO and not damage
Just saw this in a Tricky Gym VOD. Sableye's Lost Mine KO'd a Pokémon with Gift Energy attached, and it activated. This shouldn't happen because Lost Mine places damage counters and doesn't deal damage. Thus, this is not correct. That same game started with the opponent having a naked avatar, and the next game had a weird…
Problems with Roy
I have prolems to use Roy after kills woopoer from paldea or rattata de alola, the card is not playable after your pokemon goes out from combat, on your turn.
Extremely frequent silent disconnects make the game litterally unplayable.
For the past few days I've found that I've been getting very frequent silent disconnects, especially after the recent update. It's gotten to the point where I can only complete maybe 1 in 8 games normally without having to concede because a silent disconnect occured. Additionally, in many but not all games I've had…