Suggestion: Normalize xp rewards for winning or make a window where the opponent cannot concede.

Hi there,
I'm having a lot of fun playing this game, but one thing I noticed is that you get more xp rewards the more price cards you have taken.
The problem is when I am about to knock out an opponents big pokemon for a lot of prize cards and the win, and the opponent just leaves before I can finish the attack. Since they leave before I attack, I don't get to take the prize cards and I lose out on a bunch of points.
So I would like to suggest that either
1) the rewards for winning are normalized and not dependant on prize cards taken, or
2) it is only possible to concede during your own turn, and if you think this might lead to people just sitting there and dragging out the time, then
3) make conceding unavailable for the first minute when it is your opponents turn. That should be plenty of time to get off the attack and pick your prize cards.
The reason for this change, is that even though you won, it feels bad knowing that you missed out on the extra points.
This happens a lot and it is really annoying.
When the person know you are going to win, they quit the game and you end up earning less points and the person may even earn more points than should do.
I believe that the second solution would be the best one, there is no concede during the opponent turn, if you can play your cards you should not be able to concede either.
Other solution would be penalize the concede with negative points if someone already earned a prize card.