[BUG] Several cards missing their foil etching
Alola! I've noticed that several cards in TCGL are missing their foil etching effect, and so appear incorrect in-game. I've seen this on Windows and Android both, but haven't checked Mac or iOS. These XY9 / BreakPoint / BKP cards in English, French, and Spanish: Gyarados-EX #114 M Gyarados-EX #115 Manaphy-EX #116 Espeon-EX…
[BUG] Several cards missing their foil etching
Alola! I've noticed that several cards in TCGL are missing their foil etching effect, and so appear incorrect in-game. I've seen this on Windows and Android both, but haven't checked Mac or iOS. These XY9 / BreakPoint / BKP cards in English, French, and Spanish: Gyarados-EX #114 M Gyarados-EX #115 Manaphy-EX #116 Espeon-EX…
Graphics/Visual Quality
Is there a way to lower the graphics quality? I've only learned today that the old Pokemon Trading Card Game Online no longer works, so I installed PTCGLive instead, only to find that it is so unbelievably laggy that it's literally unplayable. It takes FOREVER to actually load menus and screens, animations take ages to…
I need help try to see the support ticket
Unable to participate in my own duel.
I attempted to queue up for a game as normal, but once an opponent was found, my screen did not progress past the opponent found screen, but the game seemed to continue as normal while I was unable to play. Is this something known and exploitable like the Spiritomb bug a while back? If so, I'll just not play the game…
When will iPad low resolution be fixed?
I've been trying to play tcg live on my 10.2 inch ipad and the graphics, the text, and pretty much everything seem to be just a blown up version of the iPhone version. Everything is blurry and jagged and it's making it really difficult to enjoy on the iPad. Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone don't appear to have UI issues…
Attack Glitch
My opponent did Buster Tail, and then it skipped my turn. The thing is, it hasn't skipped my turn in a month. They did Buster Tail, knocking me out, and taking my prize cards. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING???
Kyogre did 0 damage to second target
Login Issues
Has anyone had issues loging in??? So i enter my user name and password and hit enter and nothing else happens, when i click the button to login it just goes grey and stays there nothing wlse at all?? Please help!!!
Fix for inability to search cards?
I'm on pc, this doesn't seem to happen on mobile. When searching my deck or prize cards seemingly randomly I can't select a certain card. This happens with all pokeballs (ultra ball, nest ball, hisuian heavy ball, etc.), miraidon, adaman, battle vip, artazon, mesagoza, and probably more I can't recall. This is completely…