broken rewards screen and game queue
If you queue before the rewards prompt pops up you can queue more than once and get into 2 games on the same client.
3X Weakness?
I was playing my Palafin deck. The opponent has Dynamic Spark Riachu and 3 energy in play. The opponent attacks my Palkia Vstar and discards 2 electric energy, yet he hits me for 360. Is my math off, or is 60*2 with weakness 240? Or is Palkia Vstar 3X weak to electric? This game is nearly unplayable as is, but this sort of…
Lost zone Cramorant vs fire
The attack isnt taking into account the weakness of the opponents pokemon. Playing with my GF and she only hits for 110 against my torkoal who has weakness to water.
Unable to set language after install.
After installing the game and running it the game asks me to pick a language. When selecting English and confirming it shows an error message that says "There was an issue loading Pokemon TCG Live. Please try again. Error: {0}" No matter what language I select it returns the same error. Has anyone else encountered this…
Pokemon TCG Migration
So i have been away pokemon tcg for a good bit and found out they shut down pokemon tcg online so I migrated to pokemon tcg live. Now I am missing cards in my library they are trying to say is there however I have given them these pictures showing I had them before and now I dont see them in my library at all yet a whole…
Stuck at language selection
Hello, I wanted to present a problem, which is preventing me from accessing Pokemon Live, I start the executable, select the language... I confirm, gray screen, white, return to language selection, repeat the same operation, I would like to know if others have this problem, and if there is a solution (Problem only with…
Login bug
Whenever I select the language, it opens to the loading screen and then immediately goes back to the language screen, and then makes me select language again, and repeats. I tried to uninstall and re-install but it didn't work.
Fresh Install, Cannot Progress Past Language Selection Screen
I have installed Pokemon TCG Live. I started it up for the first time and it asks me to select a language. I select English and Continue. It gets stuck in a white screen. Sometimes a bar at the bottom will pop up with a back arrow and an 'X', but the back arrow doesn't work and the 'X' sends me back to language selection.…
just won a game and didn't gain any points
Played a full game and won and didn't receive any points on the ladder. this followed immediately after the "game" I "played" where I "lost" where client remained on the intro-to-the game screen while my game was "playing", which I did lose points for. Bugs only add to the charm of a game when it isn't competitive.
Lurantis GX is bugged
when i use flower supply and attach energy sometimes the game just stops and doesnt switch over to the opponents turn. I can still make emojis and so can my opponent, its weird. the cards are able to be interacted with but i cant move them at all. i can still concede... if i dont the game never progresses