Whem i send card to search deck always apear NO VALID CARDS and the is valid cards...
[Move Bug] Toadscruel ex Colony Rush does too much damage
Colony Rush: 2 grass energy move which does 80 base damage, + 40 damage for each of your benched Pokémon which has any amount of grass energy attached. This move is glitched. It consistently deals 40 damage more than it should. It seems the game considers the active Toadscruel to be also benched at the same time, and so it…
Migration issue
After telling me the migration was successful i found out that none of my old cards are there. I searched like everyone said but they are NOT THERE. legit 0 card from XY where i had all my cards and they are supose to be usable. Is there a delay before ill see it? do i need to play few game and they will appear? im so…
Manaphy Bug - Not Placing Damage Counters While Active?
Hi, was wondering if there was something I was unaware of or if this is a known bug regarding BRS Manaphy? Here's the situation: My Cresselia w/ Moonglow Reverse attacks, choosing Manaphy (in the Active spot) to move the Damage Counters onto. I have 20 damage across 4 Pokemon (3 on the Bench and 1 Active). The app proceeds…
Collected screen pops up after every match
Hello, After finishing a match no matter what the collected modal pops up with nothing in it. You must select done. This should only pop up if a person collected something by leveling up profile. The majority of the time it is just an extra thing to click and close before starting a new match.
Clothes are invisible on opponents' models
When I'm playing with some opponents, before the duel really starts (and after it ends), the opponent's model's clothes and hair are invisible. I most likely don't have the assets for the female model's clothes and hairstyles, so they aren't showing up. I don't see an option to manually download them, either.
Coin flipping broken, on iOS at least
I’ve been running a deck that depends on a lot of coin flipping. Unfortunately, I’ve flipped coins well over a hundred times since migrating to live and I’ve not received a single heads, literally. I’m either super unlucky, or something’s up here. The odds of this realistically happening are virtually 0.
Lost City interaction with Kingdra SWSH05 33/163
Just encountered a bug interaction with lost city and kingdra from battel styles 33/163 with the Deep Sea King ability. I had 3 reversal energies on my active whiscash, where my opponent had 3 prize cards remaining and I had 6 prize cards remaining. My opponent had the stadium Lost City active, and when my active Pokémon…
ERROR:10005 from PTCGL
Hi all,I need help with this. Thank you very much.
Victory Animations
Can we please have the ability to turn off the part of this game where we have to watch our opponent’s avatar do a victory dance if they win? Nobody wants this. There’s zero chance anyone wants to watch this.