Rare candy problem
I'm having problems using rare candy with unidentified fossil and archeops? Plz look into it.
Pickaxe broken
I dont get how this card is still bugged. All gutsy pickaxe does is draws 1 card (and checks if its an energy to attach), but if its the ONLY playable card in an opening hand EVERY TIME IT DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO PLAY IT. So frustrating. PLEASE, can this EVER be fixed. There's been numerous patch notes and not once was…
Spiritomb did not block Fusion Drive on Genesect V
Like title says, I had the Misfortune Spiritomb on my bench yet my opponent was still able to use their Genesect abilities. They each had a Forest Seal Stone on, which I know can be activated regardless of ability lock. Maybe the game confused the tool with Genesect's normal ability? In any case, I lost because of it.…
My game keeps randomly crashing! I don't know why!
Victini's Victory Star Triggers when using Chancey's Lucky Bonus
This ability should only affect attacks and should not be able to be used twice, but it seems to have broken both of those rules here. Cards Involved: Chansey MEW 113 Victini GRI 10 Jirachi {*} CES 97 Chain of events leading to the bug:
Kirla Refinement Bug
OS Windows 11, Client Version Was in a match and went to select a kirlia on the bench to use refinement when selected I went to select a card to discard and the game ended my turn before I attacked. Was not able to use the kirlia until I evolved it later in the game. Screenshot of issue provided…
Blastoise ex broken
I am talking about the new 151 blastoise I went to use twin cannons on a pidgey which has 60hp, selected my attack which said 0 damage but as its discard to attack I didn't think of it. Then I did nothing I couldn't pick a card to discard. Opponent only played a super rod and energy the turn before.
Dark Mode please
Please make a dark mode in game. The white background hurts the eyes. Also a Versus Computer mode to test your self-made decks would be nice too. I don't care about the computer AI I just want to see if the deck is lacking or has too many of something for play.
So none of my cards migrated to TCGLive
Not a single card migrated from my PTCGO account. I can still access my PTCGO account and all my cards are still there, which from my understanding, means the migration process didn't successfully work I'm don't know how to try to migrate again, or if I can try it again, but I'd love to have my cards migrated before PTCGO…
What constitutes "Expanded"?
I played PTCGO for a long time, and I would always play in the expanded format, because I started first playing Pokemon in XY era, I liked to use the cards that I, literally, grew up with. And I know what all the cards do. But when I try to add some cards to my, definitely Expanded format deck, ONLY AND ALL of the cards…