Having problems to continue playing ptcgl
Please add in the rest of the expanded sets asap. Almost going to quit.
Professor Sada's Vitality prevents normal energy use
Using Professor Sada's Vitality to take energy from the discard pile and attach it to an ancient pokemon is preventing the normal once per turn attaching of energy to any pokemon. (in deck test mode).
Error 10011 trying to load
Trouble loading live, reaches 10/41 every time, before stops. Tried reinstalling as well as changing the time zone, nothing has worked. Hoped the latest patch for the 1099 error would have removed it.
Using Squawkabilly ex after Medicham V
I may be wrong on this, but I believe Squawkabilly ex (or more likely the turn tracker internally) is glitched. I was playing a deck with Squawkabilly ex and Medicham V. I used Squawk and Seize and then attacked with Medicham for a KO and extra turn. The game then let me use Squawk and Seize again despite it now being my…
Bug while playing Irida card
I just played a match tonight in which i played an Irida card. When i selected the two cards from my deck, it hung showing them above the table for 30 seconds or so, during which time i could not select them, but could look at cards on the table. When it "unfroze" it threw all three cards in the discard pile and my turn…
Bug - Client Logging Out
Bro I don't know what you did in this last patch but somehow you took a bad client and made it worse. Before it kept freezing during matches and now it logs you out. This is crazy
older cards
When can you also play the older cards from XY and Black and White? Is there any information about this yet?
Dust Island -stadium not working properly
Just encountered a bug where the enemy switched out their poisoned active pokémon out of active spot with a Switch and the new active pokémon didn't get poisoned.
Can't log in on samsung
I can't log on on my Samsung galaxy note 10+ My game is up to date and I've cleared the cache. It I put the incorrect pass word I get an error as expected. If I put in the correct password and click log in the button turns gray and nothing happens. If I click around eventually I get a "Your login has expired" error.
Meowscarada EX bug
Meowscarada EX's Scatching Nails attack seems to do 120 damage when a Pokemon has damage counters on them, but it should do 100 + 120 for 220 if they have damage counters. The attack says "If your opponent's Active Pokemon already has any damage counters on it, this attack does 120 more damage."