Jynx ex vs Mimikyu Safeguard Bug?
Hello, so Mimikyu's Safeguard ability prevents it from taking damage from ex and V, but it does not say that it prevents it from effects. I put the Mimikyu to sleep via Hypno Here for Hypnosis ability, and then went to use Jynx ex Heart-Stopping Kiss ability, which is "If your opponent's Pokemon is asleep, it is Knocked…
BUG Doble energía turbo
Hay un bug enorme en el ataque de Cinccino donde no reconoce la Doble energía turbo como 2 energías.
[BUG] Unable to Select Trekking Shoes After Playing Miss Fortune Sisters
I played Miss Fortune Sisters, and I was unable to select my opponent's Trekking Shoes as an option. It would've been selected as card 3 / slot 3. I tried undoing my other selections, but no dice, I was prevented from selecting it entirely. Just in case it's relevant, they were using the SR version of Trekking Shoes.
Bill's Transfer bug.
I could not get all 4 of my pokemon into my hand. The replay below doesn't help answer any question's, but hopefully soneone working on the game can make use of it. Setup Pigio95 chose heads for the opening coin flip. Pigio95 won the coin toss. Observer_Yosef decided to go first. Pigio95 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.…
Miss fortune sisters bugged
Add another bug to the growing list devs..... Miss fortune sisters has now given me 5 games where I've had item cards shown in my opponent's revealed cards, but im not able to double click or drag them into the selection boxes.
game froze with zero cards in deck, playing nest ball
I didn't notice my deck was at zero cards and played nest ball, the game froze and would not let me do anything other then concede
Avatar emotes
I wish there was a way to mute these. The dance at the end and your opponent constantly spamming emotes all game is extremely annoying. This would never happen in real life and it only takes away from the game. It would be nice if I could at least mute them
Explorer's Guidance with 0 cards in deck blocks game
As in the title, playing "Explorer's Guidance" when you have 0 cards remaining in the deck, doesn't open the choice menu and locks you out of any action resulting in a forced turn pass. Just lost a ranked game due to this bug. Please fix it.
Revaroom bug
Had 2 Leftovers 1 Rigid Band and 1 Hero's Cape on my Revaroom when someone used Lost Vacuum on the Hero's cape. I was unable to retreat, attack, read card, or highlight the Revaroom after this happened.
Bug: It's possible to craft more than one of each Ace Spec
Really silly oversight but yeah. Please correct this before people miss out on or waste credits lol