Battle Pass Deck & Card Redemption Information
Greetings, Trainers. We want to take the opportunity to provide information regarding the Battle Pass decks and for not receiving credits for extra cards gained from these. We decided we wanted to balance the game economy for all players and not give an additional advantage to players who already have extensive card…
Take the Trading out of the game? Change the Name to PCG live
Pokémon Card game: Live. not sure why you are taking out trading between people in live, but might as well take it out of the name as well, it will at least be a better fitting name for the game. if you want to save this game, let the community trade please. The "Dust" system is pretty bad.
Why is Tropical Beach not craftable?
What is the logic behind making this card inaccessible to the vast majority of players? I can understand why variants of already existing cards aren't cartable since these are essentially specific cosmetic versions of cards that we can already get hold of which creates a nice incentive for players to go to their local…
Timer on opponent choosing pokemon
Hi. I noticed that when I knock out my opponents pokemon, my timer still keeps ticking while my opponent is choosing their pokemon. In 1 case I lost about a minute off of my timer while my opponent was choosing
Feedback - deckbuilding and collection
My general thoughts on the deckbuilding and collection viewing options within the game. Deckbuilding: Stacking different arts and versions of cards is a very nice feature The deck space on the right could be a fair bit bigger - I'm adding cards to my deck by searching for them so I don't need as much space on the left Show…
Will I be notified to transfer my collection?
Will I be notified to transfer my collection, before the pokemon tcg client shuts down entirely? Don't want to lose my collection, but also don't want to transfer to the current ptcglive client for mobile yet/at all.
Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Astral Radiance Cards Migration *UPDATED 6/14*
Greetings. The team has been made aware of Astral Radiance cards missing upon migration from the Pokémon TCG Online game to Pokémon TCG Live and is currently looking into a solution. For those who experienced this, you can contact our Support Team for additional assistance. We thank you for your continued patience. We will…
Release of stable or final version of PTCG live
Will the stable or final version of PTCG live release at the same time of astral radiance or must we expect the next set? thank you
Missing Radiant Heatran, Possibly More?
I am writing this because upon migrating to Pokemon TCG Live from Pokemon TCG Online I noticed that I did not have my radiant heatran anymore. Potentially there are other pokemon that I am missing but have not noticed. Is there any reason for this? I know I migrated because I had a promo arceus on my old account and I…
Why dont we get credits after opening 5th V Card from packs
I was opening a bunch of packs and realized that I was not getting any credits for extra V cards.