Why will pokemon tcg live not work today?
Hi, can someone please help me today when I opened pokemon tcg live when it was loading a message popped up asking me if I wanted to update it, and I did so then I updated it. But then when it was done updating I tried to open it and now it won't load because when it starts to load this pops up, " routine server…
An unexpected error occurred.
can somebody help me, i want to redeem code from my booster pack that i recently purchase. its my first time and it cant be redeem. thank you
Why wont my redeemed deck from twitch appear in my game?
I got a deck folder thingy from twitch some day ago and I redeemed the code and claimed it and eveything. But it won’t show up in the game. And it says I’ve already redeemed the code when I double checked I got it. have this happend to anyone else?
giovanni doesn't bust 0 damage attack
today i found out that if you use Giovanni and then use a coinflip attack and you roll all tails the attack will do 0 and not 10, i don't know if it's a bug or a ""feature"". I think that when the attack stay "if you lose the coinflip the attack is nullify" it should do 0 and giovanni should not applay, but in case of…
PTCG Live Freezing?
I am having an issue where I can get through maybe one or two matches and the game will decide to freeze on me? I can still hear audio... and it seems like the game is running in the background? But the video is frozen. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Hydreigon ex Obsidian Bug
Full log below. Gist is that Using Obsidian to hit Pikachu Ex on the bench and in the active results in no damage to the active. Tera shouldn't prevent damage to active pokemon (at full health) since Obsidian has the two 130s to the bench as an additional effect. This one is slightly complicated since it was poisoned and…
Formal request for a NOEX lobby
As you may have heard NOEX (as in no EX ranked cards) has become quite popular with players hosting a ongoing private battle queue with the password NOEX or noex, where players are informally agreeing to play with decks that don’t use EX cards. I think it would be a great idea where there would be a formal NOEX game mode…
Card check list for Surging Sparks
I want to know if there is a card check list for the new surging sparks set? On the other sets I’ve been able to find a printable pdf list with all cards of a set. I like to print those out and check the cards I get. But I haven’t found a list like that for the newest set. Is there a list like that?
Needhelp: Registered Cards on TCG Live but not showing up ingame
I recently registered a couple of card packs but the Pokémon aren't showing up in my game. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
How to correct the Junior Rankings?
My son competed in a Pokemon League Challenge on Oct 27th and won first place but, I cannot locate him anywhere on the leader board.