What happened?
Where are my Mew Ex Versatiles? My Mega Mewtwo EXs? Are they holding them for something else? What happened to the trade market? Why can't I purchase packs via points I get for returning codes? In short, WHAT HAPPENED TO PTCGO!?
Premium pass not working
I have two tickets created and still no response from pokemon. 2703440 and 2688686. I paid for a premium pass that worked just once from then on it jsut stopped working. Complete purchase, reinstalling the app, canceling and reactivating the subscription in the playstore, nothing works. I dont want a refund I need the…
reported transaction resulting in a ban?
this month i made two transactions on Pokemon TCGP, when I made the transactions I thought they were made on my credit card, turned out it was on my Dad's credit card. At the time I did'nt realise it so he reported the transactions to the bank, I realised that it was my purchases too late. The bank investigates the…
Gold ingot issue
Hello When I logged in this morning at 7am for the new update, I had 37 gold ingots in my possession and then I decided to buy 5 more in the shop. Total following my purchase = 42 gold ingots (unless I'm mistaken). I tried to buy 10 boosters of the new expansion, but because of the slow server, I got about 10 error…
Aegislash Mysterious Shield versus Regidrago Vstar
Just had an encounter online that just confused me. Mysterious Shield works like Mimikyu’s Safeguard. The opponent used Apex Dragon and used Hisuian Goodra’s attack, taking the knockout on Aegislash (which to my knowledge it shouldn’t happen since it doesn’t bypasses any effects or abilities). Am I missing something?
Archaludon ex Bugged? It was able to use Duraludon's attack which should be impossible.
Setup DevinRyder chose heads for the opening coin flip. DevinRyder won the coin toss. DevinRyder decided to go second. DevinRyder drew 7 cards for the opening hand. 7 drawn cards. • Charmander, Pal Pad, Cleffa, Pidgey, Duskull, Pidgey, Super Rod VocalCU drew 7 cards for the opening hand. 7 drawn cards. DevinRyder played…
Where is my Deck that I bought?
I bought the deck in the in-app store, but it shows that I still don't have the cards. What should I do now?
Disappearing cards
Disappearing cards, yesterday I had "forest seal stone" and "Rotom V". Today I don't have them anymore. Does this have anything to do with the fact that they were free cards? and suddenly they are taken away?
Possible Archaludon ex bug TCG Live
Archaludon ex's attack reads: During your opponent’s next turn, this Pokémon has no Weakness. Is it safe to assume that the effect only works on the specific pokemon that used the attack? I ask because in my previous match I switched my opponents Archaludon for a Diagla using Boss's Orders and the Diagla also had no…
Having some problems with my redeeming codes from packs
I went and got the pikachu and cinderace battle academy and I went a redeemed the code on the TCG game and now it won’t let me use the decks because it says I don’t have some of the cards in those decks. Is anyone else having this problem?