Gyarados 4-star
Hey, looking to trade, need a Gyarados 4-star (never pulls 😪). Have plenty of others willing to trade for.
Something wierd
I legit have only experienced one glitch in the entirety of Scarlet and Violet and I think it's one of the reasons why it's one of my favorite Pokemon games.
How many people have experienced weakness not getting calculated?
There have been multiple instances where weakness was not calculated for attacks. I have experienced it both when my active pokemon gets attacked, and also when making an attack against an opponent's active pokemon. This has happened enough times, across multiple clients, that I don't want to play on Live until I see a…
Possible Bug with Togekiss' Overdrive Smash
Hello! I'm here to report what might be a bug with Togekiss' Overdrive Smash. The attack does 60 damage and then, on the next turn, that Togekiss' Overdrive Smash will do 120 damage. But, in a game I played earlier, my Togekiss that used Overdrive Smash on my previous turn got forced out of the Active Spot by Sabrina and…
Best sites for Pokémon
choose 1!
My level reset after level 100. What a joke.
I hit level 100 the other day, and my reward was 200 crystals. On top of that slap in the face, my level just RESET to level one, instead of hitting 101. Without asking or offering a prestige mode, like every other game would if it was going to reset. I would have rather just stayed level 100. Or simply gone to level 101?…
Hi, I need Blastoise EX, Aerodactyl EX and Machamp (not ex) I offer: Charizard EX, Pidgeot EX, Exeggutor EX, Arcanine EX and Pikachu EX My ID: 2928898300182970
How do I restore my account?
I cleared the cache in settings. After logging in again I can't restore the profile. I don't have a nintendo profile and the email says there is no data
Energy bug
Was playing an online game and on my turn, my energy got stuck on my active pokemon. didn't go to the energy zone. it spawned and got stuck there. it happened two turns in a row. i lost the game the following turn so i don't know if it would have happened again after those 2 turns. if it matters, i was playing a gyarados…
Bug Report - Brazilian-portuguese Translation of certain cards
This is a bug report regarding incorrect details in the Brazilian-Portuguese version of certain cards from the latest sets that I came across during gameplay Arbok (Genetic Apex)'s "Corner" attack is incorrectly translated as "Quina", meaning "the corner of a room", instead of "Encurralar", which means "to corner someone"…