Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I need Rotom 1-Star, anyone?
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Looking for a Magneton from Genetic Apex(3 <> #98). I have too many duplicates to list. Let me know if you have one for trade and what you need.
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Looking for STS Empoleon, Garchomp, and Lickilicky EX. Let me know what you need
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@CosmosPokeAcc Thanks for the Weavile, unfortunately I don't have more tokens for another trade
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Looking for:
Space-time Smackdown
3 diamond —> Magmortar, Glaceon, Darkrai
Triumphant of Light
3 diamond —> Carnivine, Raichu, Rotom
Can Offer :
Genetic Apex
3 diamond—>Gardevoir, Butterfree, Vileplume, Victreebel, Charizard, Vaporeon, Raichu, Zapdos, Magneton, Mewtwo, Weezing
Mythical Island
3 diamond —> Volcarona, Mew, Vaporeon, Golem, Marshadow, Tauros,
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I'm looking for:
Genetic Apex
242 - (Full Art) ⭐ Golbat
I can trade for almost any other card of the same level.
Send a response and we will try to make a trade!!!
Friend ID: 6101729295513500