Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Sorry, Ramp was traded yesterday. Was there another card you wanted?
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Looking for (all in spacetime):
2 diamonds: prinplup, hippowdon
3 diamonds: heatran, rampardos, luxray, rhyperior
4 diamonds: yammega ex, darkrai ex
Can offer:
2 diamonds: many
3 diamonds: regigigas, mesprit, porygon-z, lucario, togekiss, electrivire, magnezone, mamoswine
4 diamonds: dialga ex, mismagius ex
And many more from other expansions
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What you are looking for?
I have a lot of different cards
Golbat It's the only card left of that tier in that pack
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If you want to trade on the one star level, if you have a Gloom 228 or a Pidgeot 245, I would like either one of those. But one I would really prefer is an Eelektross 109 if you have one. I haven’t gotten that one and I’m trying to finish the decks. Which ever is fine tho, thank you
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I’ll trade you a ramp for a gardevoir or greninja
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Looking for Gardevoir and/or greninja. Let me know what 3 diamond you need back.
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If you’re looking for Greninja 089, I have one I can trade. If you have a Eelektrik 108, can I have that for it?
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Eelektross I only have one but gloom I can trade
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Okay that works for me
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they aren’t the same diamonds