Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
LF Infernape EX
Offering: Celebi EX, Gyarados EX, Palkia EX, Zapdos EX, Pikachu EX, Charizard EX, Gengar EX
FC: 6474588916968340
Name: ahzobrate0 -
Sure, please start trade
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I'm looking for a genetic apex Starmie EX,
I have charzard ex, arcanine ex, wigglytuff ex, and marowak ex from genetic apex
Or Aerodactyl ex from mythical Island
ID: 8107923740552749
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Hello, I’m looking for:
Can offer:
Beedrill, Arcanine, Flareon, Lapras, omastar, greninja, golem, kabutops, Muk, pidgeot, snorlax,
Mystical Island:
serperior, volcarona, Vapereon, Raichu, golem
Spacetime Smackdown:
Torterra, leafeon, shaymin, empoleon, glaceon, magnezone, electivire, luxray, togekiss, cresselia, darkrai, garchomp, regigigas
Add me:
6723495013696909 (name: musslos)
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I'm looking for:
Genetic Apex
242 - (Full Art) ⭐ Golbat
248 - (Full Art) ⭐ EeveeI can trade for almost any other card of the same level.
Send a response and we will try to make a trade!!!
Friend ID: 6101729295513500
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Sent you Cresselia! Thanks man!! Have a nice day!