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Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket



  • Queen_V91
    Queen_V91 Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited March 16 #5333

    @JamJamMarsh i have a lapras to exchange if you have a Luxray, Lucario or Bastiodon or Giratina from space-time

  • PDZGinger
    PDZGinger Member Posts: 11
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    ⚠️ What I'm looking for ⚠️:

    - Mamoswine (3 💎) #033,

    - Palkia EX #049,

    - Gallade EX #095,

    - Dialga EX #119,

    - Lickilicky EX #125.

    From Space-Time SmackDown (Palkia/Dialga).

    ⚠️ What I can offer ⚠️:

    - Charizard EX #036,

    - Moltres EX #047,

    - Blastoise EX #056,

    - Starmie EX #076,

    - Articuno EX #084,

    - Gengar EX #123,

    - Mewtwo EX #129,

    - Marowak EX #153,

    - Wigglytuff EX #195,

    - Mew EX #023.

    💎 Anyone interested? 💎

    ✨ Friend ID: 1277647753610110 ✨

  • LexLegacy
    LexLegacy Member Posts: 11
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    @SuaveScoundrel I'll give you both the magneton and the Gardevoir for Torterra and Magmortar.

    FC: 0672-6422-4030-3928

  • MDoodlee
    MDoodlee Member Posts: 22
    10 Comments Name Dropper



    ♦️♦️♦️Leafeon, Dusknoir, Rampardos, Torterra, Cresselia, PorygonZ

    ♦️♦️ Rhydon

    Can trade almost anything of equal value in return

    Add me @ MDoodlee - 5996341724326312

  • SuaveScoundrel
    SuaveScoundrel Member Posts: 19
    10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic


    Sounds good, I have sent you a trade request!

  • BlackDevel
    BlackDevel Member Posts: 21
    10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited March 16 #5338

    I'm looking for:


    164 - (Full Art) ⭐ Rotom

    178 - (Full Art) ⭐ Glameow

    I can trade for almost any other card of the same level.

    Send a response and we will try to make a trade!!!

    Friend ID: 6101729295513500

  • MDoodlee
    MDoodlee Member Posts: 22
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    Can trade Glameow for any

    Carnivine, Tangrowth, Shaymin, Drifloom, Giratina


  • BlackDevel
    BlackDevel Member Posts: 21
    10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited March 16 #5340

    Sent you a trade of shaymin

    Thanks and have a nice day

  • LexLegacy
    LexLegacy Member Posts: 11
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    Updating this list, thanks for all the trades so far guys.

    Trying to complete the dex and missing a bunch of stuff from space time, mostly from the Palkia pack. Have lots to trade from every other series.

    LF: Turtwig, Torterra, Kricketune, Vespiquen(018), Carnive (019), Magmortar, Monferno, Regice, Piplup, Mesprit (076), Giratina (078), Cranidos (088), Rhydon (081), Rhyperior (082), Riolu (091), Hippowdon (094), Spiritomb (104), Shieldon x2, Bastidon, Porygon-Z x2, Staraptor (134), Garchomp (123, not EX), Cynthia (152) x2.


    Infernape EX, Mismagius EX, Weavile EX

    1 Star:

    Manaphy (162), Cresselia (168), Spiritomb (172).

    —————————— IN STOCK BELOW:

    Took me forever to put this list together. If a card is not listed here, assume it is not available for trade.


    Oddish (001), Gloom (002), Tangela (004), Tangrowth (005), Yanma (006), Roselia (008), Wormadam (016), Combee (017), Slugma (025), Macargo (026), Heat Rotom (030), Swinub (031), Piloswine (032), Buizel (038), Floatzel (039), Finneon (042), Lumineon (043), Snover (044), Abomasnow (045), Wash Rotom (047), Frost Rotom (048), Magnemite (051), Magneton (052), Voltorb (054), Electrode (055), Electabuzz (056), Electivire (057), Drifloon (073), Drifblim (074), Hitmontop (085), Nosepass (086), Murkrow (096), Mightyena (101), Skorupi (105), Drapion (106), Bronzong (117), Probopass (118), Gible (121), Lickitung (124), Eevee (126), Aipom (130), Ambipom (131), Starly (132), Bidoof (135), Bibarel (136), Buneary (137), Lopunny (138), Glameow (139), Fan Rotom (142).

    EX: Pachirisu EX (061)

    1 Star: Croagunk (173)


    Triumphant Light:
    Heracross, Burmy, Mothim, Combee, Vespiquen (005), Cherubi, Cherrim, Houndour (011), Houndoom (012), Marill (014), Azumarill (015), Barboach (016), Whiscash (017), Snorunt (018), Snover (020), Phione, Pikachu (025), Elektrike (027), Manectric (028), Clefairy (029), Gastly (031), Haunter (032), Gengar (033), Sudowoodo (036), Phanpy (037), Donphan (038), Larvitar ( 039), Pupitar (040), Nosepass ( 042), Meditite (043), Medicham (044), Gible (045), Gabite (046), Zubat (048), Golbat (049), Croagunk (051), Magnemite ( 053), Magneton (054), Mawile (056), Bronzor (058), Bronzong (059), Eevee (062), Snorlax (063), Hoothoot (064), Noctowl (065), Starly (066), Staravia (067), Staraptor (068), Celestic Town Elder (073), Barry (074), Adaman (075).

    EX: Glaceon EX (022), Garchomp EX (047), Arceus EX,

    1 Star: Magnemite (080)


    Mythical Island:

    (1) Exeggcute, (2) Exeggutor, (7) Morelull, (8) Shiinotic, (9) Dhelmise, (10) Ponyta, (11) Rapidash, (12) Magmar, (13) Larvesta, (14) Volcarona, (15) Salandit, (16) Salazzle, (17) Magikarp, (19) Vaporeon, (20) Finneon, (21) Lumineon, (22) Chewtle, (23) Drednaw, (24) Cramorant, (25) Pikachu, (27) Electabuzz, (28) Joltik, (29) Galvantula, (31) Mew, (33) Sigilyph, (34) Elgyem, (35) Beheeyem, (39) Swirlix, (40) Slurpuff, (41) Mankey, (42) Primeape, (43) Geodude, (44) Graveler, (47) Marshadow, (48) Stonjourner, (49) Koffing, (50) Weezing, (51) Purrloin, (52) Liepard, (53) Venipede, (54) Whirlipede, (55) Scolipede, (58) Pidgeotto, (61) Eevee, (62) Chatot, (63) Old Amber, (64) Pokemon Flute, (65) Mythical Slab (66), Budding Expeditioner, (68) Leaf

    EX: (3) Celebi EX, (32) Mew EX

    1 Star: (71) Salandit, (72) Vaporeon, (73) Dedenne, (74) Marshadow


    Genetic Apex:

    001 Bulbasaur, 002 Ivysaur, 005 Caterpie, 006 Metapod, 007 Butterfree, 008 Weedle, 014 Paras, 015 Parasect, 021 Exeggcute, 024 Tangela, 026 Pinsir, 027 Cottonee, 028 Whimsicott, 029 Petilil, 030 Lilligant, 031 Skiddo, 032 Gogoat, 033 Charmander, 037 Vulpix, 039 Growlithe, 040 Arcanine, 042 Ponyta, 043 Rapidash, 044 Magmar, 045 Flareon, 048 Heatmor, 049 Salandit, 050 Salazzle, 051 Sizzlipede, 052 Centiskorch, 053 Squirtle, 054 Wartortle, 055 Blastoise, 057 Psyduck, 058 Golduck, 063 Tentacruel, 064 Seel, 065 Dewgong, 066 Shellder, 067 Cloyster, 068 Krabby, 069 Kingler, 070 Horsea, 071 Seadra, 072 Goldeen, 073 Seaking, 074 Staryu, 075 Starmie, 077 Magikarp, 078 Gyarados, 080 Vaporeon, 081 Omanyte, 082 Omastar, 085 Ducklett, 086 Swanna, 087 Froakie, 090 Pyukumuku, 091 Bruxish, 092 Snom, 093 Frosmoth, 094 Pikachu, 095 Raichu, 097 Magnemite, 098 Magneton, 099 Voltorb, 100 Electrode, 101 Electabuzz, 102 Jolteon, 103 Zapdos, 105 Blitzle, 106 Zebstrika, 107 Tynamo, 108 Eelektrik, 110 Helioptile, 111 Heliolisk, 112 Pincurchin, 113 Clefairy, 114 Clefable, 115 Abra, 116 Kadabra, 118 Slowpoke, 119 Slowbro, 120 Gastly, 122 Gengar, 124 Drowzee, 126 Mr. Mime, 127 Jynx, 128 Mewtwo, 131 Kirlia, 132 Gardevoir, 133 Woobat, 134 Swoobat, 135 Golett, 136 Golurk, 137 Sandshrew, 138 Sandslash, 139 Diglett, 140 Dugtrio, 141 Mankey, 142 Primeape, 143 Machop, 144 Machoke, 147 Geodude, 148 Graveler, 149 Golem, 150 Onix, 151 Cubone, 152 Marowak, 154 Hitmonlee, 155 Hitmonchan, 156 Rhyhorn, 157 Rhydon, 158 Kabuto, 160 Mienfoo, 161 Mienshao, 162 Clobbopus, 163 Grapploct, 164 Ekans, 165 Arbok, 166 Nidoran♀, 167 Nidorina, 168 Nidoqueen, 169 Nidoran♂, 170 Nidorino, 171 Nidoking, 172 Zubat, 173 Golbat, 174 Grimer, 175 Muk, 176 Koffing, 178 Mawile, 179 Pawniard, 180 Bisharp, 181 Meltan, 184 Dragonair, 186 Pidgey, 187 Pidgeotto, 188 Pidgeot, 189 Rattata, 190 Raticate, 191Spearow, 192Fearow, 193J igglypuff, 194 Wigglytuff, 196 Meowth, 197 Persian, 198 Farfetch'd, 199 Doduo, 200 Dodrio, 201 Lickitung, 202 Chansey, 203 Kangaskhan, 204 Tauros, 205 Ditto, 206 Eevee, 207 Eevee, 208 Eevee, 211 Snorlax, 212 Minccino, 213 Cinccino, 214 Wooloo, 215 Dubwool, 216 Helix Fossil, 218 Old Amber, 220 Misty, 222 Koga.


    004 Venusaur EX, 023 Exeggutor EX, 036 Charizard EX, 041 Arcanine EX, 084 Articuno EX, 096 Pikachu EX, 104 Zapdos EX, 123 Gengar EX, 129 Mewtwo EX, 195 Wigglytuff EX.

    1 Star:

    232 Squirtle, 235 Electrode, 240 Nidoqueen, 241 Nidoking