Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@JamJamMarsh Sent a response and thank you
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searching for:
2 diamond: Vespiquen, Luxio, Spiritomb, Cynthia, rocky helmet
3 diamonds: Charizard (x3)
1 star: Pidgeot, Drifloon, Shaymin
(less worried about these 1 stars) Combee, Spiritomb, Bidoof, Regigigas
(just ask about any 1 or 2 diamonds)
3 diamonds: Venusaur, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Flareon, Melmetal, Kabutops, Hypno, Gengar, Articuno, Lapras, Raichu, Eelektross, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Mew, Tauros
1 star: Cubone, Alakazam, Pinsir, Exeggutor
my friend code is 8603193846447239 just lmk what you want to trade for :3
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if it’s the machamp ex from genetic apex? I have one I can trade if you have a pidgeot ex from mythical island.
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nice! what is it you want for them?
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@djsam909 sorry short tokens right now.
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A1 Magneton ♢♢♢ 098/226
A1 Gardevoir ♢♢♢ 132/226
A1 Exeggutor ♢♢♢ 022/226
A1 Arcanine ♢♢♢ 040/226
A1 Eelektross ♢♢♢ 109/226
A1 Mewtwo ♢♢♢ 128/226
A1 Ditto ♢♢♢ 205/226
A1 Aerodactyl ♢♢♢ 210/226
A1a Volcarona ♢♢♢ 014/068
A1a Vaporeon ♢♢♢ 019/068
A1a Marshadow ♢♢♢ 047/068
A2 Torterra ♢♢♢ 012/115
A2 Magmortar ♢♢♢ 024/155
A2 Glaceon ♢♢♢ 046/155
A2 Electivire ♢♢♢ 057/155
A2 Regigigas ♢♢♢ 143/155
FC: 4990600014664762