Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
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Looking for SpaceTime PorygonZ and Lickilicky EX let me know what you need
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I have a Victreebel if you can trade me a Genetic Apex Golem
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from space time smackdown need
67 -mismagus ex
92 - lucario
let me know what you need friend ID 2359667284786932
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Trade sent
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trade sent
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Need (regular versions)
venusaur EX 4 diamond
beedrill 3 diamond
starmie EX 4 diamond
vaporeon 3 diamond
nidoqueen 3 diamondTRADED FOR victrebell 3 diamond > golem - thanks schmaCaroni
can trade
T3-4 - venusaur, butterfree, blastoise, pollywrath, gengar, machamp,mux, ditto, snorlax, exeggutor ex, articuno ex, marawak ex0