Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
See the add! Let me know which ones you want in the trade
Available 1 stars: serperior, Vaporeon TL shaymin Shinx Houndoom Gloom Alakazam Nidoqueen Golbat ..
Looking for from you: Nidoking, Glamgmeow, Staraptor, Magnemite
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how bout a houndoom :)
ill send nidoking
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Looking for:
Gyarados ex (4 diamonds)Can trade:
arcanine ex, molteres ex, gengar ex, zapdos ex, marowak ex, celebi ex
My ID: 88638626223441470 -
perfect. i have to recover trade stamina after so we can do another at a later date!
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looking for a spare Palkia Ex and some Misty's
ID: 5367-1198-9357-9432
Let me know if there's anything specific that you want
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I will send it through when this other trade goes through! I'll have to recover trade stamina if you want to trade anything else later :)
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Yes I have all 3. My ID is 8266024118207554