Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
i can trade venasaur ex for articuno ex
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i can trade venasaur ex for palkia ex
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Anyone have a Yanmega ex they'd be willing to trade? I've set up a binder of ♦️♦️♦️♦️ cards I have available.
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Need 2x Palkia Ex, 2x Manaphy any rarity and 1 misty
Can offer for Palkia Ex : Infernape Ex, Moltres Ex, Zapdos Ex, Venasaur Ex, Weavile Ex, Exeggutor Ex, Garchomp Ex
Can offer what u want for manaphy depending on what rarity it is
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@Shanaal i can do that, thanks, let me know when u r available
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LF: Dialga EX
I can offer: Blastoise EX, Pikachu EX, Machamp EX, Wigglytuff EX, Articuno EX.
LF: Alakazam 3 diamonds
I can offer (all 3 diamonds): Beedrill, Vileplume, Lapras, Zapdos, Eelectross, Nidoqueen, Wezzing, Melmetal, Dragonite, Pidgeot, Ditto, Vaporeon, Raichu, Marshadow, Mesprit, Cresselia, Heatran
Heres is my FC:6279294144718618
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Can give you two Manaphy. (2 star)
Need: Graveler (MI) Luxio Cranidos Manectric [all 2 star]
FC: 1204 8005 1899 16350 -
diamonds not stars