Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looks like you're already doing a trade. I'm available whenever you're ready.
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@Shanaal please accept the trade
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LF - Rampardos ***
FT - Venusaur, Beedrill, Victreebel, Arcanine, Flareon, Moltres, Poliwrath, Raichu, Gengar, Gardevoir, Kabutops, Muk, Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Marshadow, Magmortar, Mamoswine, Empoleon, Garchomp, Mew0 -
Looking for Weavile EX, vaporeon***
have Darkrai Ex, Palkia EX, Luxray***
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sounds good, I sent you the trade request
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Looking for Palkia ex
Can offer: Infernape Ex, Moltres Ex, Zapdos Ex, Venasaur Ex, Weavile Ex, Exeggutor Ex, Garchomp Ex
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Looking for
3 diamond —> mamoswine
4 diamond —> dialga-ex, lickilicky-ex
can offer :
3 diamond —> venusaur, greninja, weezing, pidgeot, kangaskhan, ditto, volcarona, mew, tauras, torterra, glaceon, mespirit
4 diamond —> blastoise-ex, zapdos-ex, marowak-ex, pidgeot-ex
Friend ID: 3952-1383-9177-1298 (sakshampikachu)1 -
I will trade a Rhyperior for your Vaporeon.
Also, sorry if you get to messages like this. They were 40+ minutes apart...the posting delay is brutal sometimes.