Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for Dialga EX.
Infernape EX
Darkrai EX
Mismagius EX
Machamp EX
Moltres EX
ID is 3518375248884560
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I have Infernape EX, would swap for Dialga EX
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Player ID: 0543289975928643
Need the following 3 diamonds pokemons from Space-time Smackdown:
Cresselia , Heatran and Shymin
I have the following pokemons for trade: beedrill, victreebel, eelektross, gengar, mewtwo, melmetal, vaporeon, aerodactyl, raichu, tauros, marshadow, magmortar, empoleon, electvire, togekiss, dusknoir, giratina and rampardos.
Just ask what u want and add me. Note that all of these card are in portuguese, they may steal your things...
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No worries
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Just sent you a friend request. Looks like you have Togekiss now. I can send you an Empoleon instead for the Glaceon.
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Sent also
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No deal?
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i can trade moltres ex for palkia ex