Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I am looking for Cyrus and Dawn. I can trade any 2 diamond trainer except for tools, Mars, Erika and Pokecom. I also have spares of most 2 diamond mons if you're looking for something there.
Also looking for Mesprit and Rampardos. Got baby Darkrai, Garchomp, Mythical Island Vaporeon, Serperior, Marshadow, Genetic Apex Weezing, and plenty of other stuff to trade for them.
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Do you have Electrode Genetic Apex Prinplup and Luxray English? Can trade Cyrus, Dawn and Mesprit.
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Ok I can trad shamin
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LF: Aerodactyl EX, Pidgeot EX, Infernape EX, Arceuss EX, Dialga EX
For trade 4star ex: blastoise, moltres, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, arcanine,
Player id: 6467559743102071
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i got pikachu EX for trade, got any of these?
Need EX: arceus, dialga, infernape, aerodactyl, pidgeot
Player id: 64675597431020710