Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@SuaveScoundrel Hi, i have Erika and need •• Kingler from Genetic Apex
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Friend ID: 6101729295513500
053 Magnezone ••• A2
079 Cresselia ••• A2
Tell me what you need we make a trade
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@BlackDevel i have a magnezone to trade.
Looking for a blastoise or golem apex. I do have some cards in space-time I need to but prioritizing the two from apex atm.
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Sorry man only have one of each one
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@BlackDevel from space-time I could use
Bastiodon, rhyperior, rampardos, cresselia, empoleon, electivire, leafeon, and Shaymin.
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Can do, ready to trade whenever you are.
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@SuaveScoundrel Trade sent ;)
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Sounds good. FC 4901396031662802