Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@pokemex111 i need darkrai ex, need any of these ex?
blastoise, moltres, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, articuno, arcanine,0 -
Need: Yanmega EX, Mismagius EX, Empoleon, Magmortar, Purugly, Glaceon, Darkrai, Dusknoir, Porygon Z, Rhyperior.
Can offer: Ex Pachirirsu, Infernape, Dialga. And Shaymin, Mamoswine, Magnezone, Electivire, Togekiss, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Cresselia and Lucario.
Friend Code: 7771187721820553
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Hello everyone, I am in need of a couple of cards to complete the Genetic Apex Set.
Let me know If you have any of the following and are willing to trade:
007 - Butterfree 3 Diamond, Pikachu Pack
010 - Beedrill 3 Diamond, Mewtwo Pack
035 - Charizard 3 Diamond, Charizard Pack
040 - Arcanine 3 Diamond, Pikachu Pack
084 - Articuno EX 4 Diamond, Mewtwo Pack
095 - Raichu 3 Diamond, Pikachu Pack
096 -Pikachu EX 4 Diamond, Pikachu Pack
102 - Jolteon 3 Diamond, Pikachu Pack
123 - Gengar EX 4 Diamond, Mewtwo Pack
149 - Golem 3 Diamond, Pikachu Pack
Friend Code - 4813 6427 2342 4315
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@Aragil have Charizard. Need Poliwrath, Ditto and Aerodactyl
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I have Gardevoir, friend request sent ;) need Machamp
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Have you got an Erika? I’ll trade you a Rocky Helm for it.