Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi everyone, currently have these trades available
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@pokemex111 If you got darkrai EX, I can trade you exeggutor EX or charizard EX ?
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LF: ⭐️ Lucario (alt art, 1 star rarity)
FT: ⭐️ Squirtle, Slowpoke, Diglett, Nidoking, Meowth, Ditto, Snorlax, Salandit, Dedenne, Marshadow, Tangrowth, Gastrodon, Shinx, Drifloon, Mesprit, Croagunk, Staraptor, Glameow, Regigigas
Friend ID: 7055203428112890
Name: elgreco
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I can trade the Rocky Helmet if you have the Lum Berry.
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Looking for: 4 diamond : Darkrai EX
For trade 4 diamond ex: blastoise, moltres, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, articuno, arcanine,
Player id: 6467559743102071
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@buggzzzz i got pachirisuex, need darkrai or weavile ex, add me
i can create a trade with you meantime. Or recreate it yourself with me
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Looking for: 3 diamond ♦️♦️♦️ ENGLISH
Moltres, Gardevoir, NidokingI have: exeggutor, Lapras, Articuno, Machamp, Snorlax, Vaporeon (MI), Mew (MI), Marshadow (MI), Tauros (MI)
ID: 8359375816115534 AiacosSend request. I’ll check forums for your reply and trade what you need.