Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I Need these cards:
•Starmie ex
I want these cards:
•Gengar ex
•Articuno ex
I have these to trade
•Beedrill ex
•Exeggutor ex
•Blastoise ex
•GenApex Golem
•Marowak ex
•Lapras FA
•Electrode FA
•Diglett FA
•Nidoqueen FA
•Ditto FA
•Snorlax FA
•MythIsland Raichu
•Mew ex
•Pidgeot ex
•Serperior FA
•GenApex Weezing
•Golbat FA
•GenApex Golem
•Vaporeon FA
•Yanmega ex
•Bulbasaur FA
•Pidgeot FA
•Arcanine Ex
ID: 8691538678601738
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Requesting ••• Gengar and ••• Nidoking
I have literally every other mon in the Genetic Apex and Mythical Island expansions and am willing to trade except for a handle of rarer ones I only have 1 off
Friend ID: 0769823818366233 Screen name: Sire0 -
Can anyone help me
LF: 1x darkrai ex
FT: Mewtwo ex
Charizard ex
Mew ex
Gyarados ex
Palkia ex
Dialga ex
Many others, if not on this list please just ask
ID: 4546029493907419
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@Matdale1113 Can trade Arcanine for Mesprit
Code : 2772292459437554
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Np ^^
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Still looking for 1 Darkrai Ex, can trade almost any ex for it !
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@Masir19 I for sure have weezing and magnenton!