Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Currently I want
Mythical island
14 Volcarona
Genetic apex
226 Lt surge
203 Kangaskhan
148 Graveler
125 Hypno
117 Alakazam
104 Zapdos Ex
82 Omastar
80 Vaporeon
45 Flareon
35 Charizard
22 Exeggutor
20 Victorybel
30 Vileplume
07 Butterfree
For genetic apex 104 Zapdos Ex I could trade
Genetic apex
04 Venausaur ex
056 Blastoise ex
123 Gengar ex
146 Machamp ex
Mythical island
018 Gyarados ex
032 Mew ex
Space time
29 infernape ex
125 Lickylicky ex
Friend id:1014311031073613
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I can send you ditto for a mesprit, I’ve sent you a request my name is RiceBurner
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I can do zap dos ex for lickylicky ex as well
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Nevermind ran out of trades sry
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Sorry I actually only have 1 piloswine. If there were any other cards you were wanting?
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@slugzrnumz All good, I'm just looking for piloswine and vespiquen for now