Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
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Friend Id: 9177303217478477
In-game name: DarkValky
Cards 🔷🔷🔷🔷(4) I need:
Exeggutor EX Genetic Apex(023)
Blastoise EX Genetic Apex(056)
Zapdos EX Genetic Apex(104)
Wigglutyff EX Genetic Apex(195)
Gengar EX Genetic Apex(123)
x2 Arcanine EX Genetic Apex(041)
Lickilicky EX Space-Time Smackdown (125)
Cards 🔷🔷🔷🔷(4) I can trade:
x2 Weavile EX Space-Time Smackdown (099)
x2 Yanmega EX Space-Time Smackdown (007)
x2 Palkia EX Space-Time Smackdown (049)
Dialga EX Space-Time Smackdown (119)
Aerodactyl EX Mythical Island (046)
Mew Ex Mythical Island (032)
Celebi EX Mythical Island (003)
x2 Mewtwo Genetic Apex(129)
Starmie EX Genetic Apex(076)
Moltres EX Genetic Apex(047) (Don't make me trade this one please, I love it)
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@AshCat i have mew 4 star. i want infernape 4 star. heres my fc 5488-6618-5397-1698
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looking for : Celebi ex
Offering :
blastoise ex
Starmie ex
Zaptos ex
Mewtwo ex
Gyarados ex
Mew ex
friend Id: 8037-2992-7370-2160
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LF Pidgeot 3<> from GA. Let me know what you need. I have duplicates of most 3 <>s.
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searching for:
1 diamond: Yanma (for flairs), Gligar, Buneary
2 diamond: Lilligant (for flairs), Vespiquen, Luxio, Driflblim, Spiritomb, Team Galactic Grunt, Cynthia
3 diamonds: Charizard (x3), Gardevoir, Porygon-Z
4 diamonds: Charizard EX
1 star: Pidgeot, Drifloon, Giratina, Manaphy, Shaymin
(less worried about these 1 stars) Combee, Spiritomb, Staraptor, Bidoof, Regigigas
(just ask about any 1 or 2 diamonds)
3 diamonds: Venusaur, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Flareon, Melmetal, Muk, Kabutops, Hypno, Gengar, Articuno, Lapras, Raichu, Eelektross, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Mew, Tauros
4 diamonds: Mewtwo EX, Starmie EX, Moltres EX, Zapdos EX, Weavile EX
1 star: Snorlax, Cubone, Alakazam, Pinsir, Exeggutor
my friend code is 8603193846447239 just lmk what you want to trade for :3
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I’ll trade you a Gardevoir for a Muk.
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Sounds good! Just sent you a friend request