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Pokémon TCG Live 1.4.0 Update Discussion Thread



  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    That's not related to this situation. You also read that completely wrong if that's your interpretation. Calm down.

  • Infernomaker1
    Infernomaker1 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 5 Likes 10 Comments

    Moving energy to Pokemon from Gardevoir ex is painfully slow with having to wait for the damage counters to add before being able to move another energy. Can a fix be done for this where all damage counters are added at the end of when you move energy or just allow energy to continue to be moved as the damage counters are being added.


  • Babyluv74
    Babyluv74 Member Posts: 2
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    Il fatto che siano stati tolti mantello, zacian e altro non va bene

  • Hugo18052003
    Hugo18052003 Member Posts: 1
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    Please unban Scoop Up Net, I can’t play without it

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    The card is banned because it's glitched. They'll unban it after they fix it. However, it still won't be playable in Standard (it rotated on Thursady), so if it's a standard deck you're talking about you'll either need to live without it or make a new deck. No amount of begging will get the devs to "unrotate" it; that's not in their control, their bosses' control, or even their bosses' bosses' bosses' control.

  • rtype220
    rtype220 Member Posts: 5
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    So is nobody playing on ios? Nobody acknowledge that devices still run mega hot and drain batteries so quickly. Nobody?

  • Sn4x_exe
    Sn4x_exe Member Posts: 2
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    The pc version is unplayable, searching cards do not work in any form, nest ball shows 0 valid cards, same with ultra ball and even fog crystal. Not to mention but when i have the game running on my pc with 16 gb of RAM and an rtx 3060 it uses 8 gigs of RAM. It's just unplayable currently.

  • PokeJake315
    PokeJake315 Member Posts: 3
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    Bannette's ability 'Puppet Offering' sent an attached energy to the lost zone. It should have been discarded. Not sure if this is a new bug or not but I figured I would report it.

  • 5ku74h
    5ku74h Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Name Dropper

    The PC-version is so much nicer to play but is so buggy. I play with my 7-year-old daughter. He already knows how to make the deck himself and play with real cards. When we are Finns, he learns English through this.

    My setups:

    My configuration is 3700x, 16Gb and 6900XT (Win11)

    TV computer i5-4570s, GTX1050Ti and 8Gb (Win10)

    Both have the same bugs. 0 valid cards and freeze floating card. I Have allways latest updates and drivers.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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